Health Benefits of Blood Oranges

Anntioxidant Superfoods

Unlock the nutritional power of blood oranges and discover the remarkable differences that set them apart from more familiar navel and valencia varieties. The data presented below unveils a striking contrast, showcasing the unique nutritional profile of blood oranges due to the unique mixture of components in VitaminRED®.

Research has demonstrated that blood oranges possess an extraordinary capacity for scavenging free radicals when compared to navel and valencia varieties, surpassing them by an impressive 9.5 times and 6 times, respectively. This remarkable antioxidant prowess is a testament to the exceptional health benefits of blood oranges and the potent components in VitaminRED®.

But that's not all. The data further reveals that blood oranges and VitaminRED® contain significantly higher levels of polyphenols, another group of vital nutrients, when compared to navel and valencia varieties. In fact, blood oranges boast polyphenol concentrations that are 3.2 times greater than navel oranges and 2.4 times higher than valencia oranges. These findings highlight the unique and powerful combination of nutrients found within blood oranges, providing a solid foundation for improved well-being.